Wingsailer.com is a reference website, created as an aide to current owners since Wingsailers are no longer in production.
Welcome to Wingsailer.com: The first time I saw a Wingsailer was in a classified ad photo. It was "For Sale" on the internet for $350, and included the trailer. It was located in Missouri - but I lived in Maryland. It was sold before I could justify the logistical (and financial) problems of getting it. That was before I realized how much I wanted one. It was brief, but it was my introduction to "The Wingsailer". Since then I've bought three of these splendid contraptions to restore. It's one of the most unusual pieces of sailing watercraft I've ever seen.
"I bought it because it's an oddity; but I'm keeping it because it's fun."
After buying my "in-fair-condition-but-restorable" Wingsailers, my biggest setbacks were: 1) The company had gone out of business; 2) I could find nothing on the internet about them; and, 3) There would be difficulty in finding replacement parts - since I knew the Wingsailer's production life was probably a short one (compared to Hobie Catamarans or Laser sailboats). I posted questions on dozens of sailing forums, and the typical response was,
"You want to know about ...a what?"
Slowly information came my way... usually from people that saved old "boat show" brochures where the Wingsailer must've made a big impression in its day; or from other sailors that acted like I did, and just HAD to have one. I've created this reference webpage to say, "Thank you!" to everyone that donated information and advice so I could restore my Wingsailers. I now hope www.wingsailer.com will help other owners (and wanna-be-owners) in restoring, caring and sailing their craft. I will continue to post information to this website as I receive it.
The promotional advertisement on the left was sent as a response to my requests for information. For many months it was the single piece of information I had on The Wingsailer, and I prized it highly. Since my boats needed considerable restoration, it was the only image I had for others to see what I was talking about.
After an extensive search (and lots of phone calls) I eventually located the original designer. He was unable to supply me with parts, but relayed some extra information and advice which I have included in this website. Sometimes just seeing photographs of other owners and their Wingsailerss is helpful - so I've added an "Owner's Photo Page" to provide the urge you might need to finish restoring the one you have in the garage, or sail the one lying under your porch, or buy the one in a neighbor's yard sale. Go ahead - do it!
In time another Wingsailer owner contacted me. His hull's integrity was lost to years of intense western sun, and it was destined for the dump. He thought he'd check the internet before heading to the landfill, and was glad to know that some of some of the parts were salvageable, and could be used to restore other Wingsailers. PLUS - he still had the owners manual! Click on any "Read the Manual" link to view the entire booklet.
As much information as I can scan and transfer from brochures, boat show literature, and the manual will go into this website. If you have something you feel would be important to the website, I'll do what I can to accommodate. Just let me know.
Use the links on the right, or in the Index box at the top of the page to continue through the Wingsailer Website. And please consider sending information to our "Owners Register" - and send a picture to include in the Photo Scrapbook.
So, BIG THANKS! to the kind people that have sent material that provided the foundation for this website. I appreciate it, and I'm sure other Wingsailer owners that will use this website as a guide appreciate your time and kindness as well.
This is a website created to assist Wingsailer owners. Because the company has gone out of business and there is limited internet information, this webpage has developed into a reference website. Data will be presented as accurately as possible.
a cctexan designworks website - www.cctexan.com
© 1999-2004, j. rilling johnston - all rights reserved
. e-mail with information
a cctexan designworks website - www.cctexan.com
© 1999-2004, j. rilling johnston - all rights reserved