Programs on the Natural World
Presented by
P.O. Box 2821 Jackson Hole, Wyoming 83001 (307) 690 - 9045
Second Nature presents a positive lifetime experience with fascinating creatures of the animal kingdom.
Mr. Schwartzman's Animal Programs turn classes and social gatherings into entertaining learning experiences:
School Science Curriculums (K-12)
Birthday Parties
Community and Church Groups
Special Events for all ages
Amazing Feet Make animal foot molds, children's crafts, video
Animals of the Rocky Mountains Skulls, fur and hair, horns and antlers
Mammals Skulls and animal fur; slides
Horns, Antlers & Tusks Specimens and skulls; slides
Spiders Around the World Living specimens, slides and a movie
Lumbering Leaping Lizards Living specimens, slides and movie
Second Nature Programs are available throughout the year. Please remember by limiting group size, the experience will be more hands-on.
Tortoises, Terrapins, and Turtles Living specimens, skulls and slides
Elk Feeding Skulls, animal hair and antlers; slides
Venomous Snakes of the World Living specimens and skulls; slides
Call Second Nature at (307) 690 - 9045 - Call early to reserve the best time for your event.
a cctexan designworks website - www.cctexan.com © 1999-2011, joanie johnston - all rights reserved