Programs on the Natural World

Presented by

P.O. Box 2821      Jackson Hole, Wyoming   83001      (307) 690 - 9045

Second Nature
presents a positive lifetime experience
with fascinating creatures of the animal kingdom.

Mr. Schwartzman's Animal Programs
turn classes and social gatherings
into entertaining learning experiences:

School Science Curriculums (K-12)

Birthday Parties

Community and Church Groups

Special Events for all ages

Popular topics include:

Amazing Feet
Make animal foot molds, children's crafts, video

Animals of the Rocky Mountains
Skulls, fur and hair, horns and antlers

Skulls and animal fur; slides

Horns, Antlers & Tusks
Specimens and skulls; slides

Spiders Around the World
Living specimens, slides and a movie

Lumbering Leaping Lizards
Living specimens, slides and movie

Second Nature Programs
are available throughout the year.

Please remember by limiting group size,
the experience will be more hands-on.

Tortoises, Terrapins, and Turtles
Living specimens, skulls  and slides

Elk Feeding
Skulls, animal hair and antlers; slides

Venomous Snakes of the World
Living specimens and skulls; slides

Call Second Nature at (307) 690 - 9045 - Call early to reserve the best time for your event.

a cctexan designworks website  -                © 1999-2011, joanie johnston - all rights reserved
